General Information Only
The content on is provided for general informational and educational purposes only. While we strive to ensure that the information we present is accurate and up-to-date, we do not officially represent or endorse any of the occupational therapy assistant (OTA) programs or schools listed on our site.
No Affiliation with Schools is an independent platform designed to help users explore OTA programs in Florida. We are not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by any of the schools or educational institutions mentioned on this site. Program details, admission requirements, tuition rates, and other information are subject to change at the discretion of the institutions. Therefore, we encourage all users to contact the respective schools directly to obtain the most accurate, current information.
Use at Your Own Risk
All information provided on is intended for guidance and convenience. We recommend verifying any information found here by visiting the official websites of the schools listed or by directly contacting their admissions offices. We disclaim any liability for actions taken or not taken based on information provided on this site.
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Our website may contain links to external sites. These links are provided for additional information and convenience only. has no control over the content or practices of these external sites and cannot be held responsible for any information or policies they provide.
No Professional Advice
The information on this website does not constitute professional, legal, or educational advice. Users are encouraged to consult with the relevant educational institutions or professionals to make fully informed decisions regarding their education and career paths.